Air Conditioning Servicing

Why is it important to service your airconditioner?

Dirty Systems

Dirty air conditioners serve as ideal breeding grounds for mould and bacteria, posing a significant threat to our health when their spores are inhaled.

Increased longevity

Regularly maintaining and cleaning air conditioners extends the lifespan of the system, ensuring prolonged functionality and performance.

Save money

A well-maintained air conditioner improves efficiency, reducing energy consumption and ultimately resulting in significant savings on energy bills over time.

Evaporative cooling

Evaporative coolers, often affectionately nicknamed “swampys” within the industry, earn their moniker for a compelling reason. The accumulation of dirt and sludge in these systems creates an ideal environment for bacteria, mold, and even mosquitoes and larvae to thrive. Moreover, this buildup can lead to a foul odor, resulting in homeowners experiencing the unpleasant smell of dirt whenever the system is activated. The frustration of homeowners dealing with unwanted insects blowing into their homes upon switching on the system is a common occurrence. However, we have the solution. By thoroughly disinfecting your evaporative cooler, including those equipped with self-cleaning mechanisms that regularly dump water, we can effectively eliminate the sludge buildup at the bottom of the cooler.

Split systems

Split systems, often heralded for their efficient cooling and heating capabilities, are not exempt from the issues posed by mold and bacteria proliferation. In the confined spaces of split system units, moisture and dirt can create an ideal breeding ground for these microorganisms, leading to potential health hazards and compromised indoor air quality. Similar to evaporative coolers, split systems can emit unpleasant odors indicative of mold growth, alerting homeowners to the presence of hidden contamination. Additionally, visible signs such as mold or mildew on vents or within the unit itself may prompt concerns regarding air safety and cleanliness. To combat mold and bacteria buildup effectively, regular maintenance and cleaning of split systems are imperative. This maintenance regimen includes tasks such as filter cleaning or replacement, coil inspection and cleaning, and thorough disinfection of internal components. Professional servicing can further address inaccessible areas where mould and bacteria may thrive, ensuring comprehensive cleaning and sanitization of the entire system. Prioritizing the cleanliness and upkeep of split systems not only enhances indoor air quality but also safeguards occupants against the health risks associated with mould and bacteria contamination.

Services Offered:

  • Evaporative cooling system servicing and repairs
  • Wall-hung split system servicing and repairs
  • Ducted split system servicing and repairs
  • Expertise with all major brands
  • Regassing
  • Replacement of parts
  • New installation solutions if needed

Honest and Transparent: We prioritize honesty and do not engage in upselling.

Affordable Pricing: All services are competitively priced at $181.50

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